British Administration in India - Military, Police and Judiciary

Mains: The Freedom Struggle — its various stages and important contributors/contributions from different parts of the country.

British Administration in India: By 1784, the East India Company’s administration of India had been brought under the control of the British Government. The needs of the British economy were determining its economic policies. In the beginning, the Company left the administration of its possessions in India in Indian hands, confining its activities to supervision. But it soon found that British aims were not adequately served by following old methods of administration. Consequently, the Company took some aspects of administration into its own hands. Under Warren Hasting and Cornwallis, the administration at the top was overhauled, and the foundations of a new system based on the English pattern were laid down.

The spread of British power to new areas led the nineteenth century to more fundamental changes in the system of administration. But the overall objectives of imperialism were never forgotten. The British administration in India was based on main pillars like the Civil Service, the Army, the Police, the Judiciary etc. The rules, regulations and reforms in the administration paved the way for consolidating British rule in India.

Military under British Administration

The army served as the second most significant pillar of British Administration in India, after the civil services. The army fulfilled four important functions:

Structure of Army before 1857 under British Administration

The origin of the British Indian Army and, subsequently, the army of independent India lies in the origins of the Presidency Armies, which preceded them.