Autism CARES Act
The Autism CARES Act was last passed in 2019 and must be reauthorized by September 30, 2024. The CARES Act coordinates the response of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the rising number of children diagnosed with autism. The CARES Act provides training, research, and data. The CARES Act includes the LEND programs. AUCD is working with national partners and AUCD’s members to ensure the CARES Act is reauthorized. Learn more about the CARES Act, so you can educate policymakers about this important bill.
Programs and Activities Funded through the Autism CARES Act – Listed by Agency
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- National Autism Coordinator
- Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC)
- Autism Centers of Excellence (ACEs)
- ASD investigator-initiated and targeted research
- Support for IACC publications and activities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM)
- Centers for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE)
- The Study to Explore Early Development (SEED)
- The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
- Learn the Signs. Act Early. (LTSAE)
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
- Autism Research Networks Program
- Autism Single Investigator Innovation Program (Autism SIIP)
- The R41 Autism Field–Initiated Intervention Research (Autism FIRST)
- The R41 Autism Secondary Data Analysis Research (Autism SDAR)
- Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Training Program
- Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) Training Progra
- Interdisciplinary Training Resource Center (ITAC)
- State Systems Program
- State Public Health
- Autism Resource Center (SPHARC)
History of the CARES Legislation
- Combating Autism Act of 2006The original House and Senate bill introducing the Combating Autism Act of 2006
- Combating Autism Act of 2011House and Senate bills to reauthorize the Combating Autism Act of 2006 for an additional three years
- Autism CARES Act of 2014The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Supports Act or - Autism CARES Act - a bill to reauthorize the Combating Autism Act of 2011 for five years
- Autism CARES Act of 2019The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Supports Act or - Autism CARES Act - a bill to reauthorize the Autism CARES Act of 2014 for five years (Summary of Changes Report)