Will You Nominate the Next New York State Teacher of the Year?
The purpose of the NYS Teacher of the Year program is to:
- Support the development of programs throughout the state that recognize great teachers in their schools;
- Engage exemplary teachers in professional development by completing the NYS Teacher of the Year application; and
- Identify and celebrate one teacher per year as the NYS Teacher of the Year who will represent all of New York State teachers at events throughout the state and at national events with Teachers of the Year from across the United States.
Any person in your school or community, including parents, students, business leaders, school administrators or colleagues, can nominate a teacher.
Were you nominated or want to self-nominate? Click HERE for the Application.
Responsibilities and Program Benefits
NYS Teachers of the Year serve as ambassadors for the teaching profession across New York State and will lead by their passion for teaching.
The NYS Teacher of the Year is provided with numerous professional development opportunities.
In addition, your school and district may also experience several of the other benefits of the Teacher of the Year Program, such as:
- A day of honor and learning for the NYS Teacher of the Year;
- Information and technical support for principals about how to prepare and support excellent teachers;
- A visit by the Commissioner of Education in the classroom and school of the New York State Teacher of the Year;
- Coaching for other teachers on instructional approaches;
- Every student, teacher, staff member and parent will know that your school has exemplary teachers who are recognized for their craft; and
- Meet the President of the United States.