As a CignaPlus Savings program member, you may save an average of 34% 4 off most commonly performed dental services including:
Cleanings | Crowns | Braces |
Root Canals | Fillings | Dentures |
Adults, children, and seniors can join this program. Once you are enrolled in the program, you are required to pay the entire discounted dental fee to the dental office at the time of service.
Here are some examples of national savings based on the most commonly performed dental procedures.
Procedure 1 | Dentist's Usual Fee 2 | CignaPlus Savings National Average Discounted Fee 3 | Member Savings | Savings Percentage 4 |
Two Periodic exams (adult) | $228 | $148 | $80 | 35.1% |
Two Periodic exams (child) | $228 | $148 | $80 | 35.1% |
Two Routine cleanings (adult) | $390 | $256 | $134 | 34.4% |
Two Routine cleanings (child) | $302 | $200 | $102 | 33.8% |
Two Fluoride treatments (child) | $158 | $104 | $54 | 34.2% |
Two bitewing x-rays | $188 | $124 | $64 | 34.0% |
One Resin composite filling (1-surface anterior, adult or child) | $338 | $220 | $118 | 34.9% |
Two quadrants of periodontal scaling and root planning | $1030 | $668 | $362 | 35.1% |
One Complete Denture | $2,872 | $1,920 | $952 | 33.1% |
1. Procedure frequencies are examples used for illustrative purposes only. Consult your dentist for appropriate care, testing and treatment recommendations.
2. Based on Cigna internal data as of May 2018, subject to change.
3.Typical discounted fees are listed for visits to participating dentists. Members are responsible for paying all applicable fees and charges directly to the dentist at the time of visit. Charges may vary from the sample listed above. Members should consult with their network dentist before beginning any treatment.
4. Average discount percentages are calculated by comparing nationwide average contracted rates to national average charges data. Actual savings will vary based upon procedure, geographic location and the Cigna Dental-specific contracted rate set up with the dentist/specialist. Discounts are based on 2016 claim data projected to 7/1/2018 by Cigna Dental.
With the CignaPlus Savings program, affordable dental services are now within your reach.
CignaPlus Savings® is a dental discount program that provides members access to discounted fees, pursuant to schedules negotiated by Cigna Dental with participating dentists, which members are responsible for paying in full, directly to participating dentists. Cigna Dental refers to Cigna Dental Health, Inc. and Connecticut General Life Insurance Company.
Although all participating dentists go through a credentialing process to assure that they are appropriately licensed and qualified, Cigna Dental does not otherwise guarantee nor is it responsible for the quality of any services or products purchased by members.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact one of our service representatives.
Cigna Dental,
8100 S.W. 10th Street, Suite #2000,
Plantation, FL 33324.
Telephone: 1.877.521.0244.