Foreign, Comparative, and International Law

This research guide provides an overview of foreign, comparative, and international law resources available at UF Law.

International (Private) Law Research: Key Points

International (private) law is the law governing disputes between citizens (human or corporate) of different countries and citizens (human or corporate) against a foreign country. Disputes in international (private) law are often solved via negotiation, arbitration, litigation, or a combination of these.

International (Private) Law Research: Steps

  1. If your topic is international (private) law, ready articles, books, and guides to identify if provisions of a private contract, laws of a foreign jurisdiction, rules of an international organization, or a combination of these will apple to the dispute.
  2. Note relevant citations to the appropriate law(s).
  3. Find the law(s) by interpreting citations.

International (Private) Law Research Guides & Databases

Available to UF Law community only. Once signed into Bloomberg, select the "search & browse" tab. Select "BNA Law Reports" and then "International Trade Reporter." The International Trade Reporter provides coverage of significant developments affecting U.S. trade and international business policy and policies of major U.S. trading partners.

The GlobaLex database provides articles on foreign, comparative, and international law written by experts. Links to the full-text of foreign laws are provided whenever possible. This is a free database available to all.

Available to UF Law community only (see home tab to sign into the VPN). This database includes the publications of the American Society of International Law along with prominent Yearbooks from around the world, including the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series.It also includes U.S. Law Digests, International Tribunals/Judicial Decisions and more.

Available to UF Law community only (see "home" tab to sign into the VPN). is the world's leading online resource for international arbitration research.

Available only to the UF Law community. Once signed into Lexis Advance, look for the red "research tab" in the upper-left of the home screen. Select the link. The page that results may look messy, but look for the "area of law - by topic" section (across from the Cases - US section). Select the link for either:
- "international arbitration" resources and/or
- "international law" resources. The "international law" link does not distinguish between international (public) law and international (private) law - you just have to know about the distinction before you select the "international law" link.

This database offers the most current and comprehensive collection of information on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), the law governing commercial transactions among the majority of the world’s trading nations.

Find foreign and international tax resources in this research guide

This research guide brings together international arbitration resources generally and international commercial and investment law and arbitration resources specifically. Don't despair if you discover a "Yale only" source - we have many of the same sources here at UF Law. Just ask a librarian or search the library catalog.

International (Private) Law Journals

There are thousands of legal articles on the subjects of international law (public and private). For some examples, go to the "international (public) law" tab. For additional examples,search HeinOnline, WestlawEdge, Lexis Advance and Kluwer Arbitration.

Books about International (Private) Law

Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration by Hege Elisabeth Kjos Call Number: K3830 .K56 2013 ISBN: 0199656959

This book examines the law, national and/or international, that arbitral tribunals apply on the merits to settle disputes between foreign investors and host states.

Civil Litigation in a Globalising World by X. E. Kramer; C. H. Rhee

ISBN: 9067048178

This book discusses the globalization and harmonization of civil procedure from the angles of legal history, law and economics and (European) policy. Attention is paid to the interaction with private law and private international law, and European and global projects that aim at the harmonization of civil procedure or providing guidelines for fair and efficient adjudication.

Cross-Border Transactions of Intermediated Securities by Changmin Chun ISBN: 3642278523

This work aims to analyse substantive and conflict of laws rules regarding intermediated securities in a comparative way.

Culture of International Arbitration and the Evolution of Contract Law by Joshua D. H. Karton Call Number: K2400.K352 2013 ISBN: 0199658005

This study proposes a theory of international arbitration culture, tests this theory against real-world outcomes, and uses it to make predictions about the contract law principles that international arbitrators are likely to favour.

European Private International Law by Geert Van Calster Call Number: KJC982 .C34 2013 ISBN: 1849462410

This book provides a thorough overview of core European private international law, including the Brussels I, Rome I, and Rome II Regulations (jurisdiction; applicable law for contracts and tort). Additional chapters deal with current and cutting-edge developments in the areas of private international law and insolvency, information, communications and technology, corporate social responsibility, and intellectual property.

Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development by Olivier De Schutter (Editor); Johan F. Swinnen (Editor); Jan Wouters (Editor)

Call Number: K3830 .F67 2013 ISBN: 0415535476

This book presents original research that examines the growth of international investment agreements as a means to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and considers how this affects the ability of capital-importing countries to pursue their development goals.